Tuesday, May 18, 2010

LEED Gold certification for FDA’s Silver Spring.

The four story, 102,000 square-foot, 64 year old office property , achieved the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Gold certification for the renovation of the Food and Drug Administration’s Administration Building 1 in Silver Spring. The office property is the former historic Naval Ordinance Building, at 10903 New Hampshire Ave in the White Oak area.
The LEED gold certification, being the second-highest level of certification was given to this Trishman Construction and Heery International joint venture for having a transportation management plan, utilizing green, off-the- grid power, creating a reflective roof and recycling the existing structural frame as well as the limestone veneer.

In the United States and in a number of other countries around the world, LEED certification is the recognized standard for measuring building sustainability. Achieving LEED certification is the best way for you to demonstrate that your building project is truly “green”.

The LEED green building rating system – developed and administered by the U.S. Green Building Council, a Washington D.C. based, nonprofit coalition of building industry leaders – is designed to promote design and construction practices that increase profitability while reducing the negative environmental impacts of buildings and improving occupant health and well-being.
Getting certified allows you to take advantage of a growing number of state and local government incentives, and can help boost press interest in your project and thus these advantages have made FDA’s Silver Spring a hot property.

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